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编辑:admin 时间:2012/10/18 10:53:00 来源:高中学习网

Kenny:So, are you enjoying the performance so far?  哎,到目前为止你喜欢这场演出吗?

Anna:Well, the costumes and the set are marvellous, but the acting is a bit stiff. What do you think?  恩,服装和布景都很棒.但是演得有点儿呆板.你觉得呢?

Kenny:I think you're being a little critical. The actor in the lead role is fantastic. I suppose the chorus could be a bit better, though.  我觉得你有点儿太挑剔了. 男主角演得相当不错.不过我觉得伴唱团还有点儿欠缺.

Anna:Do you know anyone in the play?  你认识这部戏里的演员吗?

Kenny:Actually, the woman playing Ophelia is a past classmate of mine.  其实,演奥利维亚的女演员是我过去的同班同学.

Anna:Really? Is that why you wanted to come to the play?  真的吗?你之所以来看这部戏是因为这个吗?

Kenny:That's only part of it. I absolutely adore this director. Every play he works on turns out great.  那只是一部分原因.我非常欣赏这部戏的导演.他导的每部戏都特别好看.

Anna:So you've seen other plays that he's directed?  那你还看过他执导的其他戏剧吗?

Kenny:Quite a few actually. By the way, after the play, there's always a big party for the cast and their friends. My friend has invited us. Do you want to go?  看过好几部.顺便提一下,演出结束后剧组为演员们和他们的朋友准备了一个庆功宴.我朋友邀请了咱们.你想去吗?

Anna:Sure, I'd love to meet the cast! Have you ever been in a play?  当然去,我想看看演员们.你演过戏剧吗?

Kenny:I've never had a part in a play before, but I used to be a part of the stage crew in high school.  我以前从来没在什么剧里扮演过角色,不过中学的时候曾经做过后台工作人员.

Anna:What did you do?  你是干什么的?

Kenny:I helped build the sets and find props for the plays. What about you?  帮忙搭建布景,准备道具.你呢?

Anna:I once helped out with costumes, but I didn't enjoy it very much.  我曾经帮忙准备过服装,不过我不怎么喜欢干那个.

Kenny:Why not?  为什么不喜欢?

Anna:I spent over three weeks sewing sequins on a coat.  我花了三个多星期的时间,给一件衣服缝上亮片.

Kenny:That sounds kind of boring. Oh, look. They're dimming the lights. I think we should get back to our seats for the second half of the play.  听起来是挺无聊的.哦,快看,灯光又调暗了.咱们还是赶紧回座位上去吧,下半场要开始了.

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