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牛津英语8A Unit 6 词组
编辑:admin 时间:2012/11/2 11:05:00 来源:高中学习网

31. 朝街上跑出去 run out to the street
32. 疯狂地跑 run wildly
33. 玻璃碎片和砖头 pieces of glass and bricks
34. 倒下 come down=fall
35. 最后 finally= at last = in the end
36. 结束 be over = end
37. 镇定下来,平静下来 calm down
38. 在我周围 around me
39. 被困住 be trapped
40. 自言自语 say to oneself
41. 片刻的恐惧 a moment of fear
42. 闪过我的脑海 go through my mind
43. 活着 be alive/ stay alive
44. 求救 shout/call/scream for help
45. 一包巧克力 a packet of chocolate
46. 把它全部吃掉 eat it all
47. 兴奋的叫声 excited shouts
48. 急匆匆地去干某事 be in a (great) hurry to do sth/ hurry to do sth
49. 把砖头和石块搬走 move away the bricks and stones
50. 明亮的日光 bright daylight
51. 神经不再紧张 stop being nervous
52. 高声喊叫 shout loudly
53. 听起来像炸弹声 sound like bombs
54. 没有任何吃的东西 have nothing to eat
55. 天气预报 weather forecast
56. 下降一点 drop a little
57. 降到零下 5 度 drop to -5 ° C
58. 大约 7 度 (be) around 7 ° C
59. 找借口 make excuses/ an excuse
60. 在一个晴朗早晨 on a sunny morning

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