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牛津英语9A Unit 1 词组
编辑:admin 时间:2012/11/5 9:30:00 来源:高中学习网

176. the rest of the summer holiday 暑期的剩余时间
177. help with our class project 帮助处理我们的班级项目
178. mind doing extra work for the Students' Union 介意为学生会做额外的工作
179. get good marks in tests 在测试中得到好成绩
180. get full marks once in an English test 曾在一次英语测试中得了满分
181. show the Grade 7 students how to use the library 向七年级学生演示如何使用图书馆
182. ask him to play with them 请他和他们一起玩
183. never forget to do the things he needs to do 从未忘记要做他需要做的事
184. learn to use the computer to help himself get more organized 学用电脑来帮助自己变得更有条理
185. have all the qualities to be a good chairperson 具备成为好主席的所有品质
186. agree with us 同意我们(的观点)
187. It's our pleasure. 这是我们的荣幸。
188. the best person to become the next chairperson 成为下一届主席的最佳人选
189. It's exciting to be the new chairperson. 当新的主席是很令人兴奋的。
190. worry about my ability to do all the extra work 担心我做所有额外工作的能力
191. You should be confident enough to take this job. 你应该有足够的自信来担任这份工作。
192. the most suitable person 最合适的人选
193. be brave enough to speak in front of many people 足够勇敢能在这么多人面前发言
194. It's nice of you to say so. 你这样说真是太好了。

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