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牛津英语9A Unit 4 词组
编辑:admin 时间:2012/11/5 9:38:00 来源:高中学习网

31. As Millie sat down on the sofa, Andy came into the room.
32. 当米莉坐在沙发上时,安迪进了房间。
33. While my parents were watching it, I was playing a new computer game.
34. 当我父母在看(电视)的时候,我正在打一个新的电脑游戏。
35. I won before the TV programme ended! 在电视节目结束前我赢了(游戏)。
36. read an old magazine about TV stars 看一份关于电视明星的旧杂志
37. I found it as I put away my computer game. 我是在整理我的电脑游戏时发现它的。
38. lend it to me 把它借给我
39. I'll put it in as I pack my school bag tonight. 我今晚整理书包时会把它放进去。
40. While I was getting ready to watch it, the phone rang. 当我打算看的时候电话响了。
41. talk for the rest of the evening 晚间剩余时间就一直聊天
42. enter a competition held by a TV station 参加一个由电视台举办的比赛
43. It wants ideas for a new TV programme. 它需要为一个新的电视节目出点子。
44. like the story of Friendship better than that of Spacemen on Earth.
45. 比起《地球上的太空人》,更喜欢《友谊》的故事情节。
46. The actors act better than those in Spacemen on Earth.
47. 演员演得比《地球上的太空人》里的更好。
48. among the four programmes 在这四个节目中
49. watch Ken's Story the most regularly 最经常观看的是《 Ken's Story 》
50. 4act (the) best/ worst 演得最好 / 最差
51. They seldom watch Unusual Weekend. 他们很少观看《非常周末》。
52. be the worst of the four programmes 是四个节目中最差的
53. Very few people like this programme. 很少有人喜欢这类节目。

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