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编辑:admin 时间:2012/12/26 10:28:00 来源:高中学习网

Unit 7
1. Turn on the blender. 打开果汁机。
2. Cut up the bananas. 切碎香蕉。
3. Pour the milk into the blender. 把牛奶倒入果汁机里。
4. Put the bananas into the blender. 将香蕉倒人果汁机。
5. How do you make a banana smoothie? 你如何做香蕉思奶昔?
6. How much yogurt do we need? 需要多少酸奶?
7. How many apples do we need? 需要多少苹果?
8. Finally, mix it all up. 最后把它混合在一起。
9. Then add the ingredients to the noodles. 然后将佐料放在面条里。
10. First, put the butter on a slice of bread. 首先,将黄油涂在一片面包上。
11. Turn on the blender for about two minutes. 打开果汁机大约两分钟。

Unit 8
1. There weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals. 没有鲨鱼,但有些相当聪明的海豹。
2. What else did you do? 你还干了别的什么事?
3. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. 九班学生在学校旅行中过得很愉快。
4. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip. 当天结束时,自然科学老师非常高兴,因为旅游之后,班长打扫了公共汽车。
5. The students watched a movie about dolphins. 学生观看了一场有关海豚的电影。
6. On my next day off, I don’t want to go for a drive. 在我下一个假日里,我不想开车去兜风。
7. Did you have fun camping? 你们野营愉快吗?
8. In the afternoon, Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale. 下午马丁叔叔把他 一些旧物品放在院子里,并且做院庭旧物出售。
9. Maria won first prize in yesterday’s singing competition. 在昨天的歌咏比赛中,玛丽亚获得了一等奖。

Unit 9
1. Deng Yaping is a great Chinese ping—pong player.邓亚萍是中国的一位乒乓球巨星。
2. She was born in 1973.她出生于1973年。
3. You are never too young to start doing things. 你多早开始做事都不为过。
4. For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.  例如,泰德•伍兹十个月大时就开始打高尔夫球。
5. Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen. 巴西足球巨星罗纳尔多17岁就为国家队效力。
6. When did she become a movie star? 她何时成了一名影星?
7. He spends all his free time with his grandson.他全部的空闲时间都是跟他的孙子在一起。
8. She become a skating champion when she was ten. 在她十岁时,她成了一位滑冰冠军。
9. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize. 在有七十年历史的(肖邦国际钢琴)比赛中,他也是第一位获此殊荣的中国钢琴家。
10. He stopped playing soccer because of his sore back. 因为背疼,结束了他的足球生涯。
11. She became the number one women’s singles player in the ITTF from 1993 to 1998. 1993年至1998年,她成为了国际乒乓球联合会女子单打的头号种子选手。

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