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牛津高中英语模块一 Unit 2 词汇讲解
编辑:admin 时间:2015/7/31 14:10:21 来源:高中学习网

1.charge  v. 要价,索费;控诉;指示;委以重任 n. 价钱;索价;掌管,负责;
How much do you charge for a room with a bath? 一间带浴室的房间要多少钱?
They charged me at least five dollars for a cup of coffee.他们一杯咖啡向我要五美元。
He was charged with bribery.他被指控收取贿赂。
The teacher charged him with the task of calling the roll.老师指派他点名。
What is the charge for using the stadium? 租用体育馆的费用是多少?
They got a ticket for the film free of charge.他们免费得到了一张电影票。
This park is under/in the charge of the city.这座公园由市政府管理。
We left Mr.Wang in charge of the room while we were away on holiday.我们外出度假期间房子由王先生负责看管。
Who will take charge of the baby while we are away? 我们外出期间,谁来照看这个婴儿?

2. score  n.得分;成绩;v. 得分
The score in the final was four to three.决赛的比分为4比3。
He got a score of 90 in the mathematics exam.他在数学考试中得了90分。
Three score people attended the lecture yesterday.昨天有60人聆听了讲座。
Scores of students attended the lecture given by Professor Wang yesterday.昨天许多人聆听了王教授的讲座。
Yao Ming scored 13 points in the first quarter alone.姚明光在第一节就得了13分。
He scored out many sentences which were not important.他划去了许多不重要的句子。

3. forbid  v.禁止;不准,妨碍
forbid +名/doing;forbid +名(人)+doing/ to do  禁止(某人)做…;forbid +名(人)+名   禁止(某人)…
Who can forbid our marriage? 有谁能阻止我们结婚?
Smoking is forbidden in the building .这幢建筑物内禁止吸烟。
My father forbade my watching television./My father forbade me to watch television .我父亲不准我看电视。
He didn’t like his daughter’s boyfriend, and forbade him the house . 他不喜欢女儿的男朋友,不准他到家里来。

4. suggest  vt. (向…)提议…,建议称…;
suggest+名(doing)+(to 名);suggest +(that)…/wh-    提议称…
They suggested another development program to the government.他们向政府提议另一项开发计划。
May I suggest going there by train? 我建议大家搭火车去那里如何?
She suggested (that) we should have lunch at the new restaurant.
=She suggested having lunch at the new restaurant.她提议在那家新开的餐馆吃午饭。
I suggested to him that he should join the club activities.我建议他应该参加俱乐部的活动。
vt. 委婉地说…,暗示;略微透露…
suggest +名;suggest +(that)…    委婉地说…;暗示说…
His tone suggested his indifference to the matter. 从他的语调可以看出,他对那个问题并不关心。
Are you suggesting (that ) I’m not suited for the job ?你是在说我不适合这份工作么?
suggest +名+(to 名)使人联想(某物),使想起…
Those skyscrapers suggest giant match boxes.那些摩天大楼看起来像巨大的火柴盒。
What does the word “black” suggest to you? “黑”这个单词使你联想到什么?

5. insist  vt.& vi. 主张,坚持,坚称;硬要。
insist+ (on/upon  名); insist +that …  坚称说…
He insisted on his correctness.他坚持认为他是对的。
He insisted that he was innocent.
=He insisted on his innocence.他坚称自己是无辜的。
insist +on /upon 名;insist +that …=insist + on 名(人)+doing /on a person’s doing
He insisted on the obedience of each man. 他坚决要求人人服从他。
She insisted on going there. 她硬要去那儿。
I'll go with you if you insist. 如果你坚持,我就跟你去 。
We insisted that he (should) come to the party. 我们坚持要他来参加聚会。
=We insisted on his coming to the party.

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