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牛津高中英语模块一 Unit 2 词语辨析
编辑:admin 时间:2015/7/31 14:14:06 来源:高中学习网

1. after all / above all / at all / in all

after all 毕竟;到底;别忘了(表示让步)
We have expected too much of him. After all , he is only a child.我们对他的期望值太高了,毕竟,他是个小孩。
above all 尤其;更重要的是 (表示递进关系)
We can’t waste anything; above all; we can’t waste time.
at all
1) 根本(加强语气)
2) 用于条件句中,表示“的确、确实”。
I have no idea at all where he is from.我根本不知道他来自何处。
Do it well if you do it at all.要做就要做好。
in all 总计(表示数目)
There were sixty-two students in our class in all.我班共计62个学生。

2. reason / cause

reason 作名词时,与for+名词或why/that从句连用,指事件的原因,行为的借口。如:
The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.洪水的原因完全在于那场暴雨。
The reason why he died was lack of medical care. 他死亡的原因是由于医治不够。
The reason why he was late was that his mother was ill.他迟到的原因是他母亲病了。
There is no cause for anxiety. 不必焦虑。
There is no cause to be anxious. 不必焦虑。
In normal case, carelessness is the main cause of accidents.在正常情况下,粗心是事故的主要原因。

3. do with / deal with

do with 和what连用,表示“安排,处理”等;和can 连用表示“需要,有…就行了”;和can’t 连用表示“受不了,不便做某事”等等。例如:
What did the children do with themselves during the holidays? 暑假里孩子们都干了些什么事?
I can’t remember what I did with my purse. 我不记得把钱包放到什么地方去了。
Oh , I could do with a cup of tea . 噢,我需要一杯茶。
Some children can do with little spending money. 有些孩子只要一点零用钱就可以了。
He couldn’t do with waiting any longer ,so he left .他再也等不下去了,于是就走了。
I can’t do with visitors this week , as we’ve got decorators in the house . 这星期我们不便接待访客,我们家里有工人搞装修。
deal with最与how搭配,有五种意思:
That man is hard to deal with .那个人很难打交道。
How shall we deal with the matter? 我们该怎样处理这件事?
You should deal with him more politely .你应该待他更客气一些。
Deal with a man as he deals with you .以其人之道还治其人之身。
The book deals with questions of political economy. 这本书论述政治经济学问题。
We have dealt with that firm for many years.我们同那家商号打交道已经很多年了。

4. act / action / acting

act通常指人的“举止,行为;装腔作势”;action 通常指人所采取的“行动;机能”而acting则是指“演出,演技”如:
He ran into the burning house and saved the child, which was really a brave act.他冲入着火的房子救出小孩真是勇敢的行为。
Her crying is just an act. Don’t take it seriously.她哭泣只是在演戏,别看得太认真。
All we need now is action, not discussion.我们现在所需要的是行动,而不是讨论。
Actions speak louder than words.行动比语言更响亮。
The action of the heart is especially important to a human being.心脏的机能对人来说尤为重要。
What do you think of their acting at the party? 你认为他们在晚会上的表演怎么样?

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