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编辑:admin 时间:2015/6/25 10:15:13 来源:高中学习网


1. 时间副词:now, soon, ago, before, today, early, finally, once, recently, already, then等。
Don't cry,you are a big boy now.不要哭,你已经是大孩子了。
The patient was soon able to sit up.病人很快就能坐起来了。
She died about two years ago.她大约在两年前就死了。
There was no one abroad so early.这么早的时候室外没有人。
Finally he agreed that I should do the work.最后他同意我来做这项工作。
France once was an agricultural country.法国曾是个农业国。
He has recently learned English.他最近学习英语。
He had already left when I called.我打电话去时,他已走了。
2. 地点副词:here,downstairs,above,back,nearby,away,abroad,outside等。
It's very agreeable to have you here.有你在这里很令人愉快。
John's father is waiting downstairs.约翰的父亲在楼下等着。
My room is just above.我的房间就在楼上。
Stand back! This dog bites.往后站!这狗会咬人。
We will stop nearby for lunch.我们就在附近停下吃饭。
It's quite dark outside,there's no moon.外面很黑,没有月亮。
3. 方式副词:carefully,fast,angrily,suddenly,slowly,really,excitedly等。
He aimed the gun carefully.他用枪仔细瞄准。
He was running so fast that he couldn't stop himself.他跑得太快了,一下子停不下来。
He struck the table angrily.他气愤地敲了敲桌子。
The car suddenly accelerated.汽车突然加速。
He advised going slowly.他建议走慢点。
The job doesn't really challenge him.这项工作不能真正地考验他。
Jack answered excitedly.杰克激动地回答。
4. 程度副词:almost,nearly,very,rather,fairly,enough,so,
It's almost impossible to climb up the cliff.要爬上这个峭壁几乎是不可能的。
I nearly missed my flight.我差点误了班机。
The election results were very close.选举的结果是势均力敌。
It is rather damp in the basement.地下室很潮湿。
This is a fairly easy book.这是一本相当容易的书。
Is it large enough?这够大吗?
Don't be so childish.别那么幼稚。
The car was too much damaged.这部车损坏得太严重。
He is deeply involved with a married woman.他与一个有夫之妇交往甚密。
The mare looks quite weak.这头母马看上去很虚弱。
5. 频度副词:always,seldom,often,usually,sometimes等。
She always advances against difficulties.她总是迎着困难上。
On Sundays,he seldom stays in the house.每逢星期天他很少呆在房子里。
Thunder often accompanies lightning.雷声常伴着闪电。
She usually awakes at six.她通常六点醒来。
She sometimes uses a bamboo as a stick.她有时用竹竿当手杖。
1. 一般副词:包括时间、地点、方式、程度、频度等副词,主要在句中作状语、定语、表语、宾语补足语或介词宾语。
We saw that film before.那部电影我们以前看过。
All my near relations live abroad.我所有的近亲都在国外。
On her way home she encountered an old friend.在回家的路上,她偶遇一个老朋友。
The people here are very nice to us.这儿的人们对我们很好。
Did any one call when I was out?我不在的时候有人来过吗?
He indicated that the interview was over.他表示会见已经结束。
I saw her out with a man.我看见她和一个男人出去了。
A dim light came from afar.一缕暗淡的光线从远处射来。
The face of the town will be completely changed before long.这个城镇的面貌不久将彻底改变。
2. 连接副词:如where,when,why,how,whether等。通常用来对已经提到的事物进行补充、修饰或概括,一般用于引导名词从句。
This is where you are wrong.这就是你不对的地方。
When we are to set out is uncertain.我们何时出发未定。
That is why I'm working hard at my lesson.就是由于这个原因,我要努力学习。
I don't know how it happened.我不知道这事怎么发生的。
They demanded whether I could go with them.他们问我能不能和他们一起去。
3. 疑问副词:如where,when,why,how等用于特殊疑问句句首。
How did the enemy escape?敌人是怎样逃掉的?
When will the marriage take place?婚礼什么时候举行?
Why are you late?你为什么迟到?
Where do your parents live?你的父母住在哪里?
4. 关系副词:如where,when,why等用于引导定语从句。
This is the house where the great man was born.这所房子便是那位伟人出生的地方。
Tell me the time when she is expected to come.告诉我,她什么时候来。
That is the reason why we must go now.那就是我们现在必须走的理由。 
5. 解释副词:如for example,as,namely等,用于举例或列举。
Canada,for example,has two languages.例如,加拿大就有两种语言。
We talked about such subjects as the weather.我们谈论了诸如天气之类的话题。
Only one boy was absent,namely Harry.只有一个孩子缺席,就是哈利。

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