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牛津英语8B Unit 2 重点句型
编辑:admin 时间:2012/11/5 9:22:00 来源:高中学习网

牛津英语8B Unit 2 重点句型

1.Where are you going ? ---I' m going on a trip.
2.It must be fun. Can I join you ?
3.Let me take you out for a few days.
4.I want to bring everything with me.
5.Mum and I went to Hello Kitty' s house as soon as we arrived.
6.Everything there was so beautiful that I wanted to live in it.
7.We were clapping our hands while they were marching across the park.
8.Their clothes were so colourful that I could not stop taking photos.
9.It matches well with the crown on her head and the bow on her left ear.
10.She waved to the visitors while she was dancing to the music.
11.She danced so beautifully that everyone screamed.
12.The line of people outside was endless. It seemed to be hopeless to try to get inside.
13.There may be some rain but the weather is nice at that time.
14.Spring is the best time for visiting Chinese gardens.
  = Spring is the best time to visit Chinese gardens.
15.It was fun to see so many elephants marching and dancing.
16.It was excited even though we had to wait for two hours before we could get into the house.
17.Dad went to buy some stationery as souvenirs for my cousin.
18.It was the best part of the day.
19.One of the theme parks (he can go to) is Window of the World.

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