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牛津高中英语模块二 Unit 2 词组
编辑:admin 时间:2015/9/23 11:40:27 来源:高中学习网

Grammar and usage
47. 一段时间 a period of time
48. 作出礼貌的询问 make polite enquires
49. 就某事采访某人 interview sb. about sth.
50. 写一份关于…的报告 write a report about
51. 我六月的日程满了 My schedule for June is full.
52. 比平时早 earlier than usual
53. 看日出 watch the sunrise
54. 正要做… be about to do sth.
55. 天气报告 weather report
56. 因为…而失望 be disappointed at
57. 放弃 give up
58. 落到地面上 fall down to the ground
59. 黎明时分 at dawn
60. 完全的沉默 in total silence
61. 太阳升起时美景 watch the beautiful pinks and yellows of the sunrise
62. 大陆的名称 the name of the continent
63. 去旅行社 go to the travel agent’s
64. 河上的观光 take a river cruise
65. 在山脚下 at the foot of the mountain
66. …的出生地 the birthplace of …
67. 稍做休息 relax a little bit
68. 在灌木丛中跋涉 trek through the bush
69. 坐缆车下山 Go down the mountain by cable car.
70. 颠倒顺序 invert the order
71. 选择假期的目的地 choose a holiday destination
72. 输入E-mail地址 type in the e-mail address
73. 接近动物 get close to the animals

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