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编辑:admin 时间:2012/11/9 14:58:00 来源:高中学习网

一国两制 one country, two systems
独立自主的和平外交政策 independent foreign policy of peace
霸权主义和强权政治 hegemonism and power politics
在互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处五项原则 on the basis of the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, noninterference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence
拒腐防变 resist corruption, prevent degeneration
与时俱进 to keep pace with the times
坚持全心全意为人民服务 to persevere in serving the people wholeheartedly
群众路线 mass line
民主集中制 democratic centralism
批评和自我批评 criticism and self-criticism
高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 to hold high the "great banner of socialism with Chinese Characteristics"
建设中国特色社会主义 to build socialism with Chinese characteristics
改革开放 reform and opening up
全面建设小康社会to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects
和谐社会 harmonious society
解放思想、实事求是emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts
勇于变革、勇于创新to make bold changes and innovations
永不僵化、永不停滞to stay away from rigidity or stagnation
不为任何风险所惧to fear no risks
不被任何干扰所惑never be confused by any interference
科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development
正确处理改革发展和稳定的关系to balance reform, development and stability
高度集中的计划经济highly centralized planned economy
充满活力的社会主义市场经济robust socialist market economy
封闭或半封闭的国家closed or semi-closed state

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